
…..Links for your Linking Pleasure 9

1.  See the story of stuff.  I think it is very important to think about where our stuff is coming from.  It is nice to talk about conserving energy, but we have to really think about ways of reducing waste in our world.

2.  There are a lot of talks about mega-churches going on.  David Fitch talks about the missional model vs. the attractional model in a new article. His article is a response to Dan Kimball, who argues that the attractional model is not all bad.  There is a fundamental disagreement between the two.  The missional model argues that the attractional model is not reaching fundamentally “new” Christians (they rather reach out to those who are already churched), whereas the attractional model argues that the missional model is bringing no new converts period.  Fitch has responded to Driscoll and others in the past who have downplayed the missional movement (Brother Maynard has also posted on the subject here and so Julie Clawson also “foolishly entered the fray” here).  Sam had something quite interesting to say in regards to David’s blog:

I am part of a church community in which as a single guy i teach story time in Godly Play time once a month, all of the children know me and basically everyone in our 60member community. We have meals at each others homes, we are increasingly localizing ourselves into our town, with almost 75% of the community living within a five mile radius of where we gather for worship (a UMC basement).

I can attest to Dave’s most important comments that this is the only way to experience a truly missional formation in which the Jesus narrative saturates one’s whole life.

3.  Jason talks about Troy the Homeless Man.

4.  Read here how ads are affecting web design.

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